Development Requirements

  • Windows 10 or above (64 bit)
  • Visual Studio 2022 Community or above (you may manually downgrade to use .NET 5 with VS2019, however XAGE Editor now will attempt to launch VS2022). At a bare minimum the .NET Desktop toolset must be selected during installation. This should include .NET 6, which is currently in preview: It is recommend you also install the C++ toolset, in order to publish using NativeAOT. This is optional, and you can add it later if needed:

Quick Start

It's recommended you start off by downloading one of the sample games and running that to get an idea of the editor tool, build workflow, VS integration, debugging and publishing mechanisms.

Here's a two minute video guide for getting up and running!

Alpha Access

Some general notes for alpha users:

  • While the internals are maturing, everything is subject to change. The alpha version of this software is not suitable for commercial projects.
  • It's recommended you first play around with one of the template games, e.g.: File --> New Project --> Awakener
  • You can try porting your existing AGS game using the exporter plugin.
  • Quite a lot is incomplete in both the Editor Tool (e.g. GUI editing) and the Engine runtime (see scripting status).
  • If anything looks egregiously wrong or the absense of some functionality is holding you back, please raise an issue on GitHub.